Zoran Kamarit * 1925 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Czech minority in the Serbia, Czechoslovak school in Beograd, National minorities, The Partisan and 6 more categories 9. 10. 1934 - Atentát na jugoslávského krále Alexandra I. , 24. 3. – 10. 6. 1999 - NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, july 1938 - X. sokol slet's, 6. 4. - 17. 4. 1941 Dubnová válka (Německý útok na Jugoslávii) , 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII and 3 more anniversaries
Jarmila Laník * 1940 National minorities, Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Sokol, Czech minority in the Serbia, Czechoslovak school in Beograd 24. 3. – 10. 6. 1999 - NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, 6 April 1941 - German attack on Belgrade