20. 12. 1944 - 25. 4. 1945 Bombing of Pilsen
20. 12. 1944-25. 4. 1945
Articles (54)
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Blahoslav Havránek
* 1933 †︎ 2017
1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Withdrawal of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 17. 4. 1969 – A. Dubček’s resignation, start of the “normalisation” period and 2 more anniversaries
Ing. Jan Herejk
* 1928
Václav Hora
* 1937
Ing. Zdeněk Hříbal
* 1926
PhDr. Karel Hrubý
* 1923 †︎ 2021
Emigrant, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee, Political prisoner in the 1950‘s (ČSR), Politician, The relative of a political prisoner
and 10 more categories
Marie Hučíková
* 1924
Bohumila Jindrová
* 1935
Ivan Kalina
* 1942
Georg Kebrle
* 1938
Anti-communist rebel, Emigrant, Boy Scouts, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee, The relative of a political prisoner
and 1 more categories
21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, 1948 - 1955 - Politic lawsuit in the Stalin age, 30. 5. 1953 – 3. 6. 1953 – The monetary reform and subsequent public upheaval, 18. 4. - 10. 5. 1945 - osvobození západní části ČSR americkou armádou and 1 more anniversaries