21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops
21. 8. 1968
Articles (4052)
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lieutenant, Ing. Viktor Schwarcz
* 1922 †︎ 2019
Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Participant in antifascist resistance, Political prisoner in WW2, National minorities, Holocaust
and 2 more categories
John Schwarz
* 1950
Karel Schwarzenberg
* 1937 †︎ 2023
Diplomat, Dissident, Emigrant, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee, Czech community in the US
and 9 more categories
Eva Schwebel
* 1951
Jiří Ščobák
* 1970
National minorities, Writer, The Student activist during the Velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu, Volhynian Czechs
25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 30. 5. 1953 – 3. 6. 1953 – The monetary reform and subsequent public upheaval, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 21. 8. 1988 – 17. 11. 1989 – Street demonstrations against the communist regime, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and 2 more anniversaries
PhDr. František Šebej , CSc.
* 1947
Jaroslav Šebek
* 1955
PhDr., CSc. Michael Šebek
* 1946
Ing. Michal Šebeň
* 1931 †︎ 2023
Lidé pomáhající partyzánům během 2. svět. války, People helping Jews during WWII, Victim of persecution due the forced agricultural collectivisation, Déclassé, Writer
and 3 more categories
29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 26. 5. 1946 – The last “free” parliamentary election in Czechoslovakia, 23. 2. 1949 – Beginning the forced agricultural collectivisation and 2 more anniversaries
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