Difficult things must be spoken about, not be silent about

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Horst Adler was born on November 1944 in Aš. His family lived in the nearby village Dolní Paseky, from which they were expelled to Germany in 1946. After a tiring journey that lasted several weeks they reached Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, distant only ten kilometres from their original home. Until 1951 the family lived in a refugee camp, then they managed to build their own house and start a new existence. Although little Horst spent only two years as a child in Dolní Paseky, the place was very close to him as the memories of former home were often discussed in his family. Since his retirement, in 2006, as a teacher at the grammar school in Tirschenreuth he has devoted all his time to activities related to the Aš region. He is the chairman of Heimatverband Asch and Stiftung Ascher Kulturbesitz. He iniated and contributed to many projects that strive to document and maintain the rich cultural heritage and history of the Aš region.