Marie Bařinová

* 1934

  • "He (the headmaster) immediately put me in charge of the pioneer group in the whole school, which was terrible. I even cried. Because I had to do the program for all these Pioneers and everything for free. I just had to do a lot of preparation for classes as a beginning teacher. I did it for two years, and then it started getting paid. One teacher signed up and took it. I was so glad, and I just kept the hiking club."

  • "When the front was crossing, one day armed Germans ran through our house looking for some means to escape quickly from the Red Army. A bicycle or a motorcycle. Dad had a bike under the straw in the barn. They were there, they were pedaling, but they didn't find the bike."

  • "The last years of the war 1944/1945 were so cruel for the inhabitants of Morávka. That's when the partisans built a bunker in Travne. They dug a hole in the ground and made a bunker there and disguised it so it wouldn't be seen. Not everyone was there, some were on the other side, like Ropice and Slavic. On the slopes of those hills, the highest huts were used as a source of food. But somebody leaked it and the Germans raided the settlement of Zajicorka in January 1945. There were several cottages, three or four. There was a cottage on Kyčera, my godmother's cottage, and below there were the Koloniční and the Muroni. At night they took all the men out of bed, handcuffed them and gathered them in the cottage of my godfather, Alois Muron. And my cousin, the same age as me, and my cousin two years older, they were just hiding under the covers in fear, because they wanted to arrest my godmother too. She said she had kids and cattle and who was going to take care of them. So they finally let her go. But my cousin and my cousin saw their father for the last time... ...handcuffed."

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    Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, 27.11.2018

    duration: 01:13:54
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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Cousin and cousin hiding in fear under the covers

Marie Bařinová in 2018
Marie Bařinová in 2018
photo: Markéta Jurečková, Aneta Kubaláková, Adriana Bukvová, Adéla Kopecká, Františka Březinová

Marie Bařinová was born on 22 November 1934 in Budišovice near Opava, but she and her family lived in Dobrá near today’s Frýdek-Místek. During her childhood, she and her parents often went to visit relatives in Morávka, to the settlement of Zajičorka in the foothills of the Beskydy Mountains. During the Second World War, the people there supported the partisans. In January 1945, Nazi gunmen raided the settlement of Zajičorka, gathering all the men in the cottage of their godfather, Alois Muron, who, like several other neighbours, never returned home. The witness experienced the crossing of the front at the end of the Second World War. Then she entered the grammar school in Frýdek-Místek, and after some time she transferred to the pedagogical grammar school in Ostrava. After that she continued her studies at the Faculty of Education in Olomouc. She took a placement at the grammar school in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, where she taught mathematics until her retirement.