Ludmila Bittnerová

* 1933

  • “I was in Mírov because before me there was some teacher from Prostějov named Navarová. And by that time the entire old government was locked up in Mírov. And this teacher somehow worked together with someone in the prison and these former governmental officials would send letters and the teacher would take them and throw them into mail boxes at train stations in Mohelnice, Olomouc, and in Prostějov. They immediately removed her from her position and she got twenty-five years in prison and that prison guard who did it with her, he got life. They gave me the fourth and fifth grades there.”

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    v Zábřehu, 19.04.2016

    duration: 01:38:47
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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By then the entire old government was locked up in Mírov

Ludmila Bittnerová - student photo
Ludmila Bittnerová - student photo
photo: Archiv pamětnice

Ludmila Bittnerová was born on 25th June 1933 in Lupěné. Her family survived the war without too many problems or conflicts with their German neighbours thanks to the father’s farm and a functioning table-making company. After the war was over Ludmila’s father planned for her to finish her secondary education and to take over the table-making company. February 1948 changed everything, though. Ludmila Bittnerová ended up studying pedagogy at a secondary school and then at a university. Her first job included being assigned to an elementary school in Mírov. There was a job opening because the previous teacher was sentenced to twenty-five years for helping prisoners get messages out of the prison. Ludmila taught in Mírov up until her wedding and after her son was born she taught in Zábřeh and didn’t have to travel long distances to work anymore. She still lived in Záhřeb in 2016.