Clips search result: charta 77

Norwegian public supported Charta 77


… these years, we collected and send to the people from charta 77 233.000 norwegian crowns, which would be today the volume … developed other contacts. and he had his contacts in the charta 77 movement in prague, so we covered a lot of …

I Met Signatories of Charta 77


… … antonín … šurýn … “václav havel and other signatories of charta 77 passed trough our section. they had to undergo a medical … start using the brown ‘sweatsuits’.” … i met signatories of charta 77

On May 1, they called for civic courage for Charta 77


… front of the main grandstand and developed a banner there, 'charta 77 encourages civic courage'. i thought i won't miss it. so … gross misconduct in public by spreading the banner 'charta 77 encourages civic courage'. i don't know what was …

Charta 77


… že to tomu trošku pomůže, že to bude trošku volnější.“ … charta 77 … prohlášení charty 77 … sedmdesátá léta …

Charta 77 a Anticharta


… ze začátku, v podstatě si způsobili trošku sami. to, že ta charta dostala takovou publicitu a takové řádění okolo. … že to není možné, že tenkrát to lidé věděli." … charta 77 a anticharta … prohlášení charty 77 … tzv. anticharta … sedmdesátá léta … sedmdesátá …

The reaction of the Hungarian political underground to Charta 77


… it we in three, me, bence and kis, decided on january 3, 1977 to organize a petition with hungarian co-signatories. charta 77 was published on january 1 and ours was published …

There were hints his son would not be allowed to study if his father continued to work for Charta 77 movement


… the university, jan, if his father was to continue in the charta 77 movement.” … there were hints his son would not be allowed to study if his father continued to work for charta 77 movement …

Počátkem osmdesátých let zvažoval podpis Charty 77


… svůj limit." … počátkem osmdesátých let zvažoval podpis charty 77 … prohlášení charty 77 … sedmdesátá léta …



… various reasons, in the early eighties, the contact between charta 77 and other dissidents and western embassies, including our … made in london that we needed to develop our contact with charta 77, with the dissident was really clear that …

It was possible to sign everything, to transfer from the Communist Party to OF


… sign anything in that revolution. that means "nekolik vet", charta 77, you could leave the communist party and go straight to … didn't do much, he sat there and drank there and he signed charta 77. so i thought, oh boy, i think that's great (to do …