Luděk del Maschio

* 1962

  • "We were driving with Tomas on the foggy Haná region and there were piles of beets everywhere and he had, because he was such a fascist like, he had an old open Kübelwagen. And so we were driving through this countryside and there were 'Beet Collection' signs everywhere. And I was like, 'Dude, what the fuck are we thinking?' So we took one sign down and the guys approved it and that was it. There was a harvest."

  • "It was a red sky and half the neighbors across the street had their windows smashed out going into the wave. I remember we used to take the tram through that corridor, for example, and there were ammonia detectors at every stop and it was all wrapped in black cloth. Or I remember one time I went jogging in the meadow at Bendak and it was so foggy and it was the end of August or not even, July, the end of summer, and within twenty minutes the trees just turned yellow. It must have been unbelievable what kind of shit they were letting into the air..."

  • "That's what I remember, that we didn't go to school, and we lived in what was called Podžatecká, just like the main Strasse, and I know that my mother was running around there, terrified, to see if we had enough sugar and flour, and I remember lying by the window and it was swishing. There was a crew down there, I think, or I think there was some fencing where they'd made a base. And then when it got loose, I have these memories of riding a bicycle with a bow and arrow and that in Starak, Old Most, that kind of funny town, how that church rode those wheels there, but that was afterwards, so we were shooting at a tank, we were going to destroy it, and a drunken Vanya, a redhead, came out of it and shouted something in Russian, we ran away and it didn't do anything to him, the skewers with the lead."

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    Zlín, 06.04.2024

    duration: 01:37:17
    media recorded in project Stories of the region - Central Moravia
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It was possible to walk through the festival of political song with an underground band

Ludek del Maschio in 2024
Ludek del Maschio in 2024
photo: the photo was taken during filming in 2024

Luděk del Maschio was born on 21 March 1962 in Děčín. He owes his surname to his family roots in Italy and Croatia. After his parents divorced, Luděk moved to Most with his mother and brother when he was five years old. Luděk del Maschio grew up in the backdrop of a city that was gradually disappearing and giving way to the mining industry. He witnessed the relocation of the Church of the Assumption, which had to be cut down and moved to the railroad tracks because of mining. The semi-dilapidated buildings and courtyards were later the venue for art exhibitions and happenings - Luděk encountered the work of Jiri Sozansky here as a teenager, and since he had been attending painting and drawing classes at the Folk Art School since he was 14, it was logical that his next steps in his studies would be directed here. Despite the fact that after primary school he got into the renowned Václav Hollar Secondary School of Art, for family reasons he entered the Most Mechanical Engineering School. After graduating in 1981, he longed to study painting, but the regime would not allow him to study art. Only the intervention of his teacher from the folk art school helped. Luděk del Maschio enrolled at the University of Applied Arts in Prague. After a few initial hours of study, he was transferred to a branch in what was then Gottwaldov - the Department of Shaping Machines and Tools, where Luděk met Marek Pražák, Josef Sládek and Tomáš Chorý, who together founded the underground band Svoz řepy. This formation, which used dark visual effects and lyrics accompanied by music with a touch of new wave and industrial, won the district round of the Festival of Political Song in 1988. Svoz řepy performed with such legends of Czechoslovak alternative music as Mikoláš Chadima’s MCH Band. The Velvet Revolution found Luďek del Maschio in the premises of the Uherské Hradiště prison, where he participated as an artist in the painting of the backdrops for the upcoming film Jen o rodinných záležitostech (Only About Family Matters), which reflects the political processes of the 1950s. After the fall of communism, Luděk del Maschio embarked on a journey as a freelance artist, but he also worked in design. At the time of the interview in 2024, he was living with his wife Simona in Zlín.