The regime collapsed on live TV, we all saw it
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Martin Fafejta was born on 27 December 1968, roughly four months after the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops. Although he did not pay much attention to the regime he lived under as a child, as he grew up he became increasingly aware of his dislike for the state political system and communism. His first rebellion against it came in his childhood, when he refused to sign the condolence papers for the death of Leonid Brezhnev and preferred to go into hiding. Politics was not much discussed at home, and he got his first information about Charter 77 from his friends. In his adolescence, when he was almost clearly aware of the pitfalls of living under a socialist regime, his aversion to it gradually transformed into a strong dislike. This resulted in his involvement in the 1989 revolution and active participation in student strikes at Palacký University in Olomouc. After the revolution, he studied sociology and began working as a university teacher in his field. In 2013, out of a recession, he tried to run for president. In 2024, he was still an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology at Palacký University in Olomouc.