We were supposed to start there a new life of a socialist man
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Miroslav Frantík was born on the 5th of December in Kurovice village in Holešov district (today Kroměříž district) where the family owned a homestead with 20 hectares of fields, the biggest one in the village. His father Vojtěch Frantík was because of not fulfilling disproportionally high contributions sentenced to two years in prison and confiscation of all property for sabotage during collectivization of country in 1952. He mined the uranium ore in the Jáchymovsko area to 1954. In February 1953 the family was evicted from Kurovice to a ramshackle house in Nesytá village that was almost 250 kilometres away. The mother with sons then moved without permission of authorities to her sister´s to the town of Zábřeh in north-western Moravia. The parents could not return to Kurovice until 1973. However, the stay in uranium mines weakened the father´s health and he died in 1975. The mother then sold the family homestead. Miroslav Frantík studied Agricultural technical school in Přerov and started to work as agronomist in a state farm in Postřelmov. He married Ottílie Novotná in 1963 and their daughter Drahomíra was born a year later and their second daughter Alexandra was born in 1969. Miroslav Frantík lived with his family in Maletín from 1963 to 1975 and then he lived in Zábřeh where he was living also in 2019.