To be on good terms with everyone, and not to hold a grudge against anyone

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Marie Gablerová was born on December 12, 1935 in Skalica in Slovakia, where her parents farmed at that time. Part of her family contracted typhoid when she was a child, but fortunately all have survived this dangerous disease. In 1944 she experienced the Slovak National Uprising and later also the retreat of the German army westward. In 1947 she and her parents moved to Moravia, where they lived in several places, until eventually settling in Hanušovice near Šumperk in 1955. She studied the advanced school of economy in Šumperk and in 1960 she married. Her husband worked as a chief train conductor and together they adopted two children (a son and a daughter). Marie Gablerová worked as an accountant throughout her entire life: for two years she worked in the Czechoslovak Automobile Transport Company (ČSAD) in Zábřeh na Moravě and later as the head accountant in a factory in Hanušovice. In 1968 she signed the manifesto Two Thousand Words. During the so-called Prague Spring she was a non-partisan deputy of the district administration committee (ONV). She retired in 1992. Marie now lives in Šenov near Nový Jičín.