Miroslava Galásková

* 1946

  • "How did you feel about [the STB officers] taking your father away?"I know that afterwards I sat in the open closet. So I was sitting there in the closet and I was crying and I said, 'Daddy, stay home, stay home,' and unfortunately. It was bad for me, but my brother was the little one, he didn't really feel it."

  • "We had two shifts there, a day shift and an afternoon shift. We had hens there that were for breeding. The eggs were taken to Opava and hatched into chicks for broiler breeding. There were over 15,000 hens. So we had a lot to do. There wasn't much mechanisation at the beginning and then they introduced feeding belts and the work was easier. Otherwise, everything was done by buckets, by hand. Then they built towers where the mixes were weighed in and it was conveyed by belt among the hens. We only collected the eggs by hand and had to clean them and put them in containers. Twice a week they would come from Opava to collect them and hatch the broilers from them." - "How many eggs did you collect, say, in a day?" - "Eight or nine thousand in a day. Even twelve thousand. That was the biggest brood."

  • "That was just on May 9th, I remember them coming. I was just in the yard. Mostly I was experiencing life outside. Two gentlemen in these long black coats. When I watched German movies as a kid, they looked like Gestapo. They also wore similair black suits. And they asked whether my father was home and they'd come over and he'd have to show them everything. He had another room, a separate room. There he had his papers and documents and everything, like an office. They told him to show everything, all the documentation, if he had papers for everything. So he took them there, and I was thrown out. Like a curious kid, they didn't want me there. And it was long enough. Mom was getting nervous. Pepi [brother] was little, he was two years old. And she was waiting to see what was going to happen. When they came out, they went into the bedroom, they checked everything, opened the cupboards. Then they said, 'Well, Mr. Mikus, get dressed and come with us!'"

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Ostrava, 07.01.2022

    duration: 01:51:29
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
  • 2

    Ostrava, 20.01.2022

    duration: 54:54
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
Full recordings are available only for logged users.

They were given the estate of the expelled Germans, but they encountered the same unhappy destiny

Miroslava Galásková with her mother and brother in Prague on the way to Stara Ves nad Ondřejnicí (ca. 1954)
Miroslava Galásková with her mother and brother in Prague on the way to Stara Ves nad Ondřejnicí (ca. 1954)
photo: Archiv pamětnice

Miroslava Galásková was born on 7 May 1946 in the hospital in Ostrava-Zábřeh. The family lived and farmed on the farm of displaced Germans in Jistebnik. After the arrest of her father, Josef Mikus, in 1953, Miroslava, her mother and brother were displaced by the communists to the village of Koporeč in the Most district, where they lived until 1958. Then the family was able to return to Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí and take over the farm of Josef Mikus’ parents. Miroslava wanted to go to medical school after the ninth grade, but she was not allowed to do so. Eventually she graduated from the agricultural apprenticeship in Místek and then from the Secondary Agricultural Technical School in Nový Jičín. After marriage and taking care of her young children, she started working in a poultry farm belonging to the JZD in Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí. Before the Velvet Revolution, she joined the Hutní montáže company, where she and her husband worked until their retirement. At the time of filming in 2022, Miroslava Galásková lived with her husband and son in Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí.