Jindřiška Herclíková

* 1928

  • "When the war was over, about three or four gentlemen came for them from Dřísy and took them to Konětopy to punish them. Mařenka and I, my second friend - I had two friends: Maruška and Mařenka - I don't know how they learned that they took them there. We took the bikes and that we were going to have a look there. When we arrived in Konětopy in the village square, there is also a pretty nice pond, so there were a lot of people around the pond. Old, young and children... They were standing around, so we pushed ourselves there as well. And they threw them into the pond. The old lady probably wanted to drown. Because the gentlemen had such long perches, and as they stood on the shore, they kept pushing them. However, the nice lady did not swim, old Mrs. Vávrovská, so she was always picked up with the perch so that she could take a breath and not drown. And the young woman didn't want to give up, she slapped her there again, so they dived her again with that pole."

  • "We lived by the pond, so we had windows to Konětopy. In the evening I looked outside like this - I don't know if on the pond or if there was a friend and I said: 'Daddy, there's such a terrible glow there, there must be a fire somewhere!' Daddy went to look and said: ´Could it be in Mladá Boleslav?' And I said:' No, that's not possible. It would not be all the way from Mladá Boleslav. That's a long way away. ‘And it was the Konetopy. It was all burning above the forest, it was ugly. We were not there, all I know is that the people from Konětopy were fleeing from there, and whoever had relatives and acquaintances in Dřísy was running to Dřísy."

  • "Dad was called, he left for Brno and I won't tell you how long he was there. All I know is that he and his sister brought us dolls and a knitting basket. I remember that. And we were glad he came back. Mobilization for our family meant that something ugly, bad, evil was happening.

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    Dřísy , 19.11.2019

    duration: 50:33
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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We thought we couldn’t stand to look at this

Jindřiška Herclíková at the age of seventeen (1945)
Jindřiška Herclíková at the age of seventeen (1945)
photo: archiv pamětnice

Jindřiška Herclíková, née Fabiánová, was born on 16 August 1928 in the village of Dřísy near Brandýs nad Labem. At the very end of the war on May 8, 1945, retreating German soldiers burned down the neighboring village of Konětopy, while all the villagers managed to escape from the village. In Konětopy, the she witnessed the lynching of the local teacher Božena Vávrovská and her German mother. Jindřiška graduated from a family school in Brandýs nad Labem and subsequently a course for kindergarten teachers. All her life she worked as a teacher and later as a principal in a kindergarten. At the time of filming the interview (2019), the witness lived in her native Dřísy.