To have a photograph of my mother was my wish all my life.

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Zdenka Husserlová was born to Jewish parents in 1939 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In 1941 or 1942 she moved with her mother to the relatives in Zdíkov (Šumava mountains). Her father was soon deported to the ghetto in Lodž (Poland), where he later died. Together with her mother, Zdenka was sent to the transport Cd from Klatovy to Terezín (26th November 1942). Her mother was deported in October 1944 to Auschwitz, where she died. In Terezín Zdenka lived in the orphanage; she was six years old when the camp was liberated. After the war she spent some months in the sanatorium in the Olešovice Chateau which was run by Přemysl Pitter. In mid August 1945 she flew to England with a group of orphaned children. In England she lived in a home in Lingfield, Surrey. Later she learnt the dressmaker’s trade and she worked as a dressmaker, florist and cashier. She now lives in London. She visited Czechoslovakia for the first time only in 1987.