Ľudovít Jaššík

* 1932

  • “He was called to become a member, in depot there was a very strong organization of the Communist Party of Slovakia. But my father said: ‘I can´t join the agrarians, since they are nothing but farmers, however, I can´t join the Party either, since all of them are former members of the Hlinka Guard!’ Thus he later received the assessment of being a politically less-reliable person. So that´s where all our issues had began. And those depot functionaries were truly former Guard members; I knew them in person very well.”

  • “The main role was to meet the plan in the pit. Nothing else mattered so much. We didn´t have any training, but twice a week we attended a ‘religious education’. It was a political education, which we used to call religion. That´s where we took naps. The commander that lectured this political training couldn´t even read well, so everyone used to sleeping there. We had to get up at 5 in the mornings and go to the pit. And since 6 a.m. we had to mine.”

  • “We didn´t have any training with weapons. They just told us, the working class doesn´t trust us. Thus those from the ‘A-group’ were angry at us from the ‘E-group’, as we were able to take naps during the political trainings, but they had to train with arms.”

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    Martin - Priekopa, 27.03.2017

    duration: 42:02
    media recorded in project Stories of the 20th century
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From the former members of Hlinka Guard, signing communists. That was the reality of those days

Ľudovít Jaššík
Ľudovít Jaššík
photo: Súčasná fotografia: z rozhovoru z pamätníkom 27. marca 2017

Ľudovít Jaššík was born on January 6, 1932 in Vrútky. Since his early childhood he was keen on sports, hiking, and culture. Unfortunately, as a result of later incidents with the communist ruling power and because of intrigues of some local communists, he wasn´t accepted to pursue the university studies. In 1953 he was drafted to compulsory military service in PTPs (Auxiliary Technical Battalions), which he spent working hard in Ostrava-Radvanice mines. Majority of his productive life he worked as a pedagogical employee in the physical education sphere at the Vocational Secondary School of Railways in Vrútky. Recently he has been retired and lives in Martin - Priekopa.