It was such a persecution complex: Who’s the cop here?

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Kamil Kalina was born on July 5, 1945 in Prague. He grew up in the Dejvice neighbourhood in Prague and he considered the study of art history. Eventually, after reading a book by Sigmund Freud, he decided for the study of psychology, which he studied at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Apart from that he also graduated from medicine at the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and he became a psychiatrist. He focuses especially on helping the drug-addicted and in 2005 he was one of those who established addictology as a field of study. In the 1970s and 1980s he was going to banned concerts of the music band The Plastic People of the Universe and he maintained regular contacts with people of the Czech underground movement. After the Velvet Revolution he became a deputy to the Chamber of Nations in the Federal Assembly and later he worked as a deputy to the minister of health. At present he is active as a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and also as a lecturer at the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University.