Venuše Koblasová

* 1940

  • “What we had was all for our own consumption. But I know that mum used to go to Most to get poppy seeds. She brought it. And now a house search. Quick, quick, we had to hide it. We didn’t have much, just half a kilo. So she only thought of throwing it in the stove to burn it. They went through everything, upside down and inside out, but found nothing. And when leaving, the younger one stayed behind and said: ‚You didn’t have to burn the poppy seeds...‘”

  • “It was almost the end of war, and uncle Vláďa was serving forced labour in Germany. And when the Russians were coming to us, he ran away together with the farmer´s brother. And a large check came to warn us, if he does not report himself to administration, they take us and shoot us all. And coincidentally in three days the end of war came.”

  • “So they began to bomb Litvínov and Most, so quickly the whole Markvarec went up the hill to see the bombs falling and places burning. Some aircrafts began to burn as they were shot at. So we saw an aircraft burning and flying towards Markvarec for abour a kilometre and falling in the woods. The whole village ran there to save something, but it was impossible; the plane dug in the ground with the pilot burnt to ashes.”

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    v Chomutově, 25.08.2016

    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
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Political events didn’t matter to me. I cared about work and family...

Contemporary photo
Contemporary photo
photo: Archiv pamětníka

Venuše Koblasová, née Černá, was born on 16th July, 1940 in a village of Markvarec in a region Louny. The family Černý lived in a village for generations. Her mother Anna returned to her native village following the death of her husband and tried to make living for her and children working for a farmer Lorenc. He also farmer the family croft and provided food for the family even at times of the biggest war poverty. Yet he didn’t live to see the end of war; he was arrested during house search and executed in Pankrác. Even the Černý family had a house search. Yet Venuše Koblasová remembers mainly an aircraft being shot down, which bombed Litvínov and crashed down near Markvarec. Her uncle served forced labour. His escaping from the Reich at the end of war endangered the whole family, but then May 1945 came and rescue too. The witness attended elementary school in Hřivice and then secondary school in Louny. Following WW2 the family began farming a little and in 1950 moved to Chomutov, where Venuše Koblasová after working in a screw factory and in a local shop eventually settled down in the field of geodesy. With her husband Josef raised five children. She lived most of her work and private life in Chomutov. She actively participated in a number of local urban changes.