The occupation saved him from military prison. They pointed their gun barrels at their own barracks
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Josef Kokta was born on 10 July 1947 in Frýdlant. His grandfather fought in the First World War in the Czechoslovak legions. After the Second World War, his father helped rebuild the volunteer fire brigade in Frýdlant. Josef Kokta was trained as a locksmith. During the war, he experienced the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968, his unit then had tanks pointed at their own barracks, which the occupiers occupied. After the war, the witness joined Elitex, where he founded and led the Socialist Labour Brigade as a foreman on the metal press, which led him to join the Communist Party. He left the Party after a few years because of disagreements with a new colleague and fellow Party member. After leaving Elitex, he worked as an administrator at the town hall in Frýdlant. He was a lifelong member of the Frýdlant volunteer firefighters, led the youth and became the district mayor after his father. As a volunteer firefighter, he participated in the flood relief efforts in 2010. In 2023, he lived in Boleslav in the Frýdlant region. The story of the witness could be recorded thanks to the support of the town of Frýdlant.