We won’t perish, don‘t be afraid! We will sustain everything!

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Zdeněk Křivka was born on 20th February in 1927 in Spisska Nova ves in Slovakia. After the Slovakian proclamation of independence in 1938, whole family left Slovakia and moved to Brno. During the Second World War Krivka was called to forced labor in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. After the communist putsch in February 1948 Krivka joined anticommunist resistance group led by his uncle Petr Krivka. Unfortunately the whole group was betrayed by an agent Frantisek Janku and completely dispersed in August 1949. Among detainees were Krivka’s brother, father and uncle as well. After one year long interrogation, Zdenek Krivka was sentenced to 18 years of imprisonment (his brother to 20 and father to 15 years). Uncle Peter was sentenced to a capital punishment for his activities and hanged on 21. 7. 1951. During the next ten years Zdenek Krivka passed trough seven labor camps and the prison Leopoldov. From November 1952 he had been detained for two and a half year in one of the worst labor camps called Barbora. There he was systematically persecuted by screw Kulhánek, who repeatedly punished Krivka by putting him into the correction unit. In the mountain area 1000 meters above the sea level with winter freezing temperatures between 20 and 30 below zero this meant live threatening conditions. Krivka had to wait for his release until the 10th May in 1960. Then he was pardoned by a broad amnesty. Till his retirement he worked manually. Eight years he had drawn water in woods, later he had worked as a warehouseman in railways.