“They freed themselves from the fear from communism, persecutions and these kinds of things. They became free, they started seeing each other and found themselves happy and joyful doing that.”
Mr. Karel Kukačka was born in 1941 in Prague. He comes from the Czech Brethren family. His father was employed as mason and painter. His mother stayed at home. He attended the grammar school in Prague, but due to political reasons he was unable to begin any further studies. He then became a house painter. He underwent the general military training in Trenčín town by the guards regiment. After his return home he started to work as a professional driver. Later on he worked in business, namely at the Stavoservis company. Mr. Kukačka was an active sportsman. He played volleyball at a professional level and was able to travel abroad with his team. During the 70´s he became familiar with the American pastor William Branham’s study and became a devout follower. This caused him great problems from within the communist regime. He was been questioned by the police several times and he wasn’t allowed to travel abroad anymore.