Karel Lednický

* 1942

  • "We managed to catch the last train that left for Roztoky, whether it was the line to Kralupy and further to Ústí nad Labem, which took us home. At home, we listened intently to the radio. Some of the news appealed to us as communicators. All this effort to make free broadcasting work and not be interrupted, and for the radio to continue to broadcast reliably, comforted our hearts."

  • "After graduating in 1960, I applied to university to study electrical engineering, because I was attracted to this field. I passed the entrance exams, but after a while the message came: “Due to the great interest of the applicants, you are not accepted to study in Brno at the university.” Only after a while will one learn that the results of the entrance exams are not so crucial. Because a political view of the individual has always been much more important. I later learned that there was a point in the review commenting on the fact that we are a strongly religious family. At that time, that meant a stop for all further education."

  • "Parents saved money so that they could build their own family house. I know that the plans were already finished, my father had already agreed with the architect, the builder, and the plot had been bought. In the 1950s, all savings fell through during the currency reform. It was a blow then, for everyone who had any savings, they thought, as they say ´on the back wheels´. The savings that were in savings books, on so-called time deposits, were valued at a ratio of one to fifty. The cash that was at home was valued one to five, which was better. In short, the parents lost everything, they sold the plot and someone else took the plans."

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    Písek, 08.09.2020

    duration: 56:41
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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The review stated that we were a strongly religious family

Karel Lednický serving in the army
Karel Lednický serving in the army
photo: archiv pamětníka

Karel Lednický was born on November 13, 1942 in Vizovice near Zlín. His parents led him to faith in God from early childhood, which accompanied him throughout his life and gradually grew stronger. In 1960, he was prevented from studying at university on the grounds that he came from a “strongly religious family”. On the contrary, his staff profile did not play a role in military service and he became a lieutenant. After returning from the war, he married and began working as a signalman at an amplifying telephone station in Prague. There he also experienced the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968. During the normalization, he and his wife became involved in a hidden church. After the Velvet Revolution, he studied at the Faculty of Theology in České Budějovice. From 1990 he worked in a clerical service in the Vicariate of Písek.