Mum had an injection ready for everyone in case they came for us
Maria Machálková, née Malinská, was born on 25 March 1939 in Prague. She grew up in the village of Černouček near Litoměřice. Both her parents, Věra and Mikuláš Malinský, worked as doctors in a private practice. Her uncles were anti-Nazi resistance movement members. Colonel Josef Jáchym - a member of Defence of the Nation and a World War I legionary - was executed by the Nazis in 1943. The other uncle, Colonel Václav Sláma, spent the war years in London as a member of the intelligence team, the so-called Moravec´s Eleven. In the 1950s, communist regime sent her uncle Václav to the forced labour camp in Všebořice for two years and the family lost their private medical practice as part of the persecution. After graduating from secondary school (1956), Maria worked as an orderly. She completed her education while working and then started to work as a nurse. First in Horní Beřkovice in Litoměřice, then at the psychiatric clinic in Bohunice in Brno. She was living in Brno, where she moved with her husband Jan at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, at the time of the interview (2021).