Democracy is so far the best political system

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Rudolf Seifert was born in 1960 in Brno. He grew up in Slavkov u Brna and following his parents’ divorce he moved with his mom to Kroměříž. He trained to become a locksmith and later, while working for PAL Magneton Kroměříž, he graduated from high school. Ever since his early years he had felt a certain social exclusion. From the 70s onwards he deliberately refused to cooperate with the communist regime, instead establishing relations with people from the underground. Its members shared prohibited literature and music. At the time of the 1989 Velvet Revolution he was married and lived in Holešov. He immediately became active in the newly-established Civic Forum. After its dissolution he became one of the founders of the Civic Democratic Party in Holešov. Since 1993 he had worked in Hulín in a ferrous foundry. Two years later he took up a job at Holešov’s municipality where worked as an editor-in-chief of a local newspaper and later became the head of the town’s cultural department. As of 2014 he served as a mayor of Holešov. In 2000 he terminated his membership in the Civic Democratic Party.