Mgr. Bohuslav Šír

* 1944

  • "They came to me from the district committee and wanted me to join the party. I didn't like that, I refused at first. The second time they came, I told them I took after my mother and she was always vehement. She crashed several party and ROH meetings at the factory in Hradsko, so she wasn't invited back after that. I told them I took after her and that it wouldn't do any good. That if they demanded discipline in the sense that if the leadership said something, the others couldn't say anything about it, then no. I really didn't go in, which meant not only a stunted career progression but also a salary one."

  • "My father got out of the Krkonoše Mountains in the autumn of 1940 and my mother, by coincidence, also. Dad was in a glass factory near Dresden with a group of boys and peers. He was 17 and a half years old, but there were also 14-year-olds. The conditions in the glassworks were quite difficult. They worked at night, the material was covered with cinder. It was an unpleasant environment. In the daytime, to make it less difficult, they unloaded coal from the wagon. My mother got there at about the same time as the girls from Opava. In the spring of 1941, as I overheard from my parents, a group of boys found out about these girls. So they went to see them and there they met."

  • "Those of my athletes who had more time off than the others, one group rode as an escort. They would go to Hřensko, get on a wagon and go. Others were sent to the Bytíz labor camp to guard high-security prisoners. Later, I found out that some of my boys, those I didn’t live with, were used at night to paint over and whitewash anti-Soviet slogans around Příbram. I was out of the loop and, perhaps as an educated person, wasn’t considered trustworthy. They didn’t approach me for this at all."

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    Vrchlabí, 03.03.2023

    duration: 02:40:00
    media recorded in project Příběhy regionu - HRK REG ED
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Some soldiers guarded the prisoners at Bytíz, others sabotaged the resistance of the Czechoslovaks

Witness as a commander of a sports platoon at the military garrison in Příbram, where he did his military service, 1969
Witness as a commander of a sports platoon at the military garrison in Příbram, where he did his military service, 1969
photo: archive of a witness

Bohuslav Šír was born on 26th February 1944 in Raduň near Opava. His parents met in Dresden, where they were both forced to work. After the war, the family moved to the village of Hradsko nad Jizerou in the Semily region. After the eighth grade in Dolní Dušnice, he entered the general secondary school, which he successfully completed in 1961. Because Bohuslav Šír loved sports since childhood, he wanted to get into the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University in Prague, which he actually succeeded in his second attempt. He finished his studies in 1968. In the spring of that year, he started his compulsory military service in Příbram, where he became the commander of a platoon of athletes. From the beginning of the 1970s he began to work as a methodologist for the development of the quality of the physical education process and trained new coaches. He twice refused to join the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, so career advancement was impossible in his case, so in 1981 he decided to work as a teacher at the Secondary Vocational School of Agriculture in Vysoké nad Jizerou, where he stayed until 1989. At the beginning of the 1990s he worked as a teacher at the Integrated Secondary School in Jablonec nad Jizerou and the Textile Secondary School. He retired in 2004. In 2019 he received the Dr. Václav Jíra Award for his lifetime of honest efforts in the football movement. In retirement, he also devoted himself to charting the history of Hradsko as a chronicler and archivist. In 2023 Bohuslav Šír was living in Hradsko nad Jizerou.