Ludvík Trojan

* 1932

  • “As management we were given resolutions of all-enterprise committee, they were small pieces of paper. A woman, or a comrade or I don´t know how to call her brought them to us. There was written that we would work there or over there. There was also a completely illogical resolution that all team headmen had to be in the Party. And there were maybe one hundred or more working mining teams and headmen in the enterprise, I did not count it. And, as I said, there were teams that had come from other mines or enterprises such as Jáchymov, West Bohemia, and sometimes from Příbram. Those teams were serving sentence. Go to see him and ask him to enter the Party. Understand, it was not logical. But they would not listen to it. And I regret that the regional committee did absolutely nothing against it. If it pleased them...”

  • “The ore was radioactive, but the radiation was weak. At that time, they were handing out dosimeters for workers but then they found out that as far as direct radiation was concerned it was not dangerous. There was, but it was founded later, Radon gas that is present in places where is the uranium ore or uranium element. We can say that Radon was very bad even dangerous for lung cancer.”

  • “I started in Ostrava when I was almost fifteen years old. I did coal mining which is a little bit different, I can responsibly say that there are seams that are 50 cm high. We were lying there and shovelling. It was a hard beginning. It was bad. At that time, we did not have foremen, so we worked with miners and a miner had to make money. So he was ordering us apprentices around. We did not have foremen about a half a year. After that time, we had them, and it got better.”

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    Brno, 12.09.2019

    duration: 02:14:34
    media recorded in project Příběhy regionu - JMK REG ED
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We should not forget the coal miners who created the main mining value

Ludvík Trojan was born on the 14th of August 1932 in Horní Heřmanice near Velké Meziříčí. He studied to become a miner at the vocational school in Ostrava and he experienced difficult beginnings of coal mining in coal steams that were just half a metre high. He passed the school leaving exam at the Mining preparatory school and studied Mine Surveying at Mining University in Ostrava. He got his first work placement to the Uranium mines near Mariánské Lázně, 250 kilometres from his place of birth. When the uranium ore started to be mined also in Dolní Rožínka, which was just 30 kilometres from his home, he managed to get a job there. In 1958 he started to work as a mining surveyor and five years later when the Rožná II enterprise was opened he became the main engineer there. In that time, he was living with his family in a newly built housing estate in Dolní Rožínka that had developed from an agricultural village into the mining village with a lively mining culture. Ludvík became the production-technical enterprise deputy in 1970 and the company director eight years later. Even as the director he still had to obey the orders of all-enterprise committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party which were often against his will. Ludvík retired in 1990 after he had worked in the Dolní Rožínka Uranium mines enterprise for thirty-two years.