Civic society has to accept its responsibility

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Hugo Vezzetti born on 1944 is a professor of the Buenos Aires University, and holds a post of a research specialist at the National Board for Scientific and Technologic Research. He hosted at a number of prestigious academic workplaces abroad (amongst others in Boston, Maryland, Georgetown, Potsdam, London, Paris and Berlin) and Argentina (San Luis, Tucumán and Rosario). He specialises at mainly two areas; psychoanalysis history, psychology and psychiatry, further contemporary history and historical memory. During a transition period (1984-1986) he held a position of the first dean of the faculty of psychology. In a long-term he significantly contributed to the cultural magazine Punto de Vista (Point of view) and as a member of the board of management he participated in its directing. In 2004 he received an award of the Konex foundation in the category of a political essay; twelve years later then in a category of psychology. He is an author of the books La locura en la Argentina (1983, Madness in Argentina), Freud en Buenos Aires (1989, Freud in Buenos Aires), Aventuras de Freud en el país de los argentinos (1996, Freud´s adventures in Argentina), Pasado y presente. Guerra, dictadura y sociedad en la Argentina (2002, Past and present. War, dictatorship and society in Argentina), Sobre la violencia revolucionaria: memorias y olvidos (2009, On revolutionary violence; memory and oblivion) a Psiquiatría, psicoanálisis y cultura comunista. Batallas ideológicas en la Guerra Fría (2016, Psychiatry, psychoanalysis and communistic culture. Ideology battles in the cold war).