Staff Sergeant Josef Carboch * 1924 †︎ 2012 Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Participant in antifascist resistance, National minorities, Volhynian Czechs 8. 9. – 1. 11. 1944 - The battle of the Dukla Pass, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 10. 7. 1946 – Agreement on Volhynian Czechs option with the USSR, 30. 5. 1953 – 3. 6. 1953 – The monetary reform and subsequent public upheaval
Jarmila Cardová * 1936 Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 23. 2. 1949 – Beginning the forced agricultural collectivisation, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 4. 1969 – A. Dubček’s resignation, start of the “normalisation” period
Růžena Carpeza Ptáčková * 1921 Forced labour during the WW2 27. 5. 1942 - Assassination of R. Heydrich, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII
Ingeborg Cäsarová * 1936 Sudeten Germans, Internační tábor Svatobořice u Kyjova 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Withdrawal of Germans from Czechoslovakia