Witnesses search result: charta 77

Blanka Císařovská

* 1927  †︎ 2022

… in the publication of the book charta 77 očima současníků: po dvaceti … in the publication of the book charta 77 očima současníků: po …

… kde získal místo faráře. v roce 1977 podepsal u dany němcové chartu 77 a brzy musel změnit … … nekatolický duchovní … signatář charty 77 … vyšetřovanec stb - …

… support organisation dialog med charta 77. he collaborated with the … newspapers); 1987 - dialog med charta 77 was founded, which he …

… active with the founding of charta 77 and distributed texts. during … military service; he supported charta 77 in 1977 and distributed …

… 1974 mu odebrali státní souhlas. chartu 77 podepsal v lednu roku 1977. … v letech 1948 - 1989 … signatář charty 77 … skauti … duchovní, …

… and publishing. in january 1977, he signed the "charta 77" whereupon he was given … prison in pilsen; signed the charta 77 in january 1977, went …

… 'free university'. in january 1977 together with his friends, … 34 co-signatories in response to charta 77, and they published it … a petition in 1977 in response to charta 77; studied in the usa …

Ing. Petr Uhl

* 1941  †︎ 2021

… in the creation of the charta 77 declaration and in the … whose mission - unlike that of charta - was to provide concrete …

… činnosti. v srpnu 1989 podepsal chartu 77, účastnil se demonstrace 17. …; v srpnu 1989 podepsal chartu 77; od 90. let působil v české …

… were among the signatories of charta 77 and supporters of the … the periodicals information about charta 77, letters and information …