With the guerilla troop Jermak-Fursenko

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Antonín Zapletal was born in 1923 in Hvozd. A lot of the inhabitants from this small Moravian village located near Konice got involved in the resistance movement during the war. Among them were several members of the family of Jaroslav Zapletal. The cousin of Jaroslav Zapletal was the leader of the 3rd district of Konice in the Federation of the Czechoslovak Youth and was sentenced to death after his arrest. However, he managed to escape from the cattle car during the transport of the prisoners to a concentration camp. He then went into hiding in Ludmírov for the remainder of the war. Antonín’s uncle Břetislav Zapletal was executed in Mírov shortly before the end of the war. Antonín’s parents supported the partisans of the Jermak-Fursenko troop and Antonín himself joined the troop in the early months of 1945. He remained in the troop until he was wounded by a bullet fired by a member of the so-called “Vlasov” army. He spent the rest of the war hiding and recovering at home. After the war, he moved to Moravská Třebová, where he was given a shop that had been expropriated from its former German owners. However, the shop was nationalized in 1948 and acquired by the Jednota. Antonín had lived in Moravská Třebová until his death.