Miriam Abeles

* 1932

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  • “It had consequences, of course. Six or seven men came there, they were not the guard members, but Germans who came to arrest me. One of the nuns knew that they were coming, she saw them enter the courtyard, and she grabbed me and she hid me under her robe, she hid me there and she kept my mouth covered. I understood what was going on, but I didn’t know exactly why she was doing it – why would they want to arrest me, when I was in a good place? They hid me. They tied me with a rope above a well so that I could see the water under me and my reflection in it. (They hid you in a well?) They hid me in a well, and the way they did it was that they tied me above the well, and I don’t know for how long I was there. Maybe only one day, maybe more. I don’t remember it, I was terribly afraid.”

  • “Aunt was looking for a way to get rid of me. She learnt that there were movements which took children to Israel. One of the movements was Hashomer Hatzair, and there was Maccabi Hatzair, and the others were Mizrachi, they were religious. Aunt was anxious to send me with the transport which would leave first. I said: ‘Fine.’ Aunt asked me if I wanted to go to a summer camp. ‘Of course I want to go to a summer camp.’ I only wanted to get out of there. It was quite difficult there, although I actually spent quite a lot of time with my male cousin. He would tell me: ‘Keep your mouth shut, don’t say anything, we will be here for as long as you can stay here, and then we will go together to Israel.”

  • “I didn’t care whether I was a Zionist or not. I wanted to go where my boyfriend would go, I was not interested in Zionism. I knew that I was a Jewish again and that I had to go there with my people. When we went to Israel, I was happy that I was going as well. And so I got here. I was not attracted by idealism, only by knowing that I wanted to live among Jews.”

  • “For my mom it was very difficult to bear and she decided that she would leave me in an institution. It was a reformatory and the sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit, accepted me there. My mom told me that we would never part, and when they accepted me to the convent, I spent seven days in the convent in Štiavnik, my mom promised me that she would come to visit me, no matter what happened. She came to visit me to the convent, where I spent seven days crying. I didn’t eat anything, I didn’t want to eat anything; I only drank a little water, the sisters made me. The nuns were very attentive and they were very nice to me.”

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    Haifa, Izrael, 09.11.2016

    duration: 01:15:34
    media recorded in project Příběhy 20. století
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Zjistila jsem, že jsem opět Židovka a chci žít mezi Židy

Miriam  Abeles
Miriam Abeles
photo: Jitka Radkovičová

Miriam Abeles, rozená Rothová, se narodila 21. července 1932 v Levoči do židovské rodiny. Rodiče provozovali obchod a pamětnice vyrůstala jako jediné dítě. Otec zemřel v roce 1939. Matka nechala dceru pokřtít a z obavy před deportací ji ukryla v klášteře ve Spišském Štiavniku, odkud se později dostala do církevního nápravného ústavu v Bytčici u Žiliny. Matka dobrovolně nastoupila do transportu do Osvětimi a zahynula. Miriam Abeles zůstala do konce války v církevním zařízení, po osvobození se jí ujala sestřenice a žila i u dalších vzdálených příbuzných na Slovensku. Díky příbuzným se dostala do kontaktu se sionistickým hnutím, zúčastnila se letních táborů Makabi ha-cair a přestěhovala se do domova pro židovské sirotky v Bratislavě. Spolu s dalšími mladými sionisty se připravovala na cestu do Izraele, kam odjela v roce 1949 spolu se svým budoucím manželem Chananem Abelesem, který byl vedoucím skupiny mladých imigrantů do Izraele. Usadili se v kibucu Kfar Makabi, odkud po čase odešli do Haify. Pamětnice s manželem vychovali dvě děti a dnes (2016) žijí v Haifě v domově pro seniory.