I wish the youth searched their souls a little more these days, didn’t do drugs, kept together and understood what patriotism is
Vladislav Albrecht was born in the village Český Boratín on Volyně on April 25, 1923. Volyně was part of Poland at that time. However, the region was annexed to the Soviet Union in 1939. The Germans came in 1941; Mr. Albrecht remembers both occupations. In March 1944 he joined the Czechoslovak troops in Rovny where he served as a brigade observer. He participated in armed operations in Slovakia, the end of the war found him in Bohemia. He served in the army after the war for a short period of time, thereafter he worked in an agricultural cooperative farm. He never joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. He has got five children with his wife and he lives in Horní Řepčice.