An ammunition dump exploded in Ústí. As a child, he saw Czechs murdering Germans for revenge
Brothers Jindřich and Bedřich Gregorini were born in 1939 in Lovosice to their mother, Elisabeth Gregorini. Her mother came from Lovosice, i.e. from the Sudetenland. Before the twins were born, she married an Argentinian with whom she went to South America in the early 1930s. There, a daughter was born to the couple. She later went to Lovosice to give birth to the twins because of her mother. The family was unable to travel back to Argentina during or after the war. Bedřich Gregorini witnessed the liberation by the Red Army and the massacre of Germans in Ústí nad Labem after the end of the war. He graduated from a secondary industrial school in Teplice. He devoted his whole life to theatre, specifically stage technology, was a lighting technician, and later worked in the management of several Prague theatres. In 1975, he joined the Communist Party. He was attractive to State Security for his contacts in Western Europe, where he often travelled for work. The State Security kept a file on the witness called Gregor. Bedřich Gregorini denies that he knowingly harmed anyone or passed on any information. After 1989, he managed the reconstruction of major Prague theatres. In 2023, he lived in Kytín, retired and led a children’s choir, an amateur theatre and played the organ in the church. We were able to record the story of the witness thanks to the support of the town of Teplice and the Ústí nad Labem Region.