Eva Hoskovcová

* 1933

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  • "U Zachařů byli, jak Němci hnali ruský vojáky z fronty – zajatce, tak u Zachařů byli asi tři. A vzpomínám si, my jsme v pětačtyřicátém šli vítat Rusy a ti vojáci od Zachařů vylítli a ten jeden skočil na to auto a oni ho vyhodili, že se dal zajmout, že nebyl žádný hrdina. Tak ho maminka pak ošetřovala, vazala ho do nemocnice. Nevím, jak to s ním skončilo. Takže celá vesnice nasazovala život, a oni ho pak hned první den málem zabili. To je takový moment, který se mi moc nelíbil a mám ho pořád v hlavě. Že oni tak pohrdali tím, že se dali zajmout, že se měli dát zastřelit a ne zajmout."

  • "Měli jsme nějaké průšvihy po osmačtyřicátém, maminka náčelnice Sokola, tatínek majitel obchodu, který byl ve vesnici zřejmě nejlepší nebo mezi nejlepšími, protože byly asi tři mezi nejlepšími, tak samozřejmě lidská závist je všelijaká. Pamatuji si taky jeden veliký výstup, když jeden pán krejčí pořvával, a to šlo o sloučení sociální demokracie s komunistickou stranou, a on tam přijel a říkal, Jelínku, já ti ručím za to, že když se nepodepíšeš, tak takhle malinký budete a vyřvával to přes celou ves."

  • "When we were there for the first time, they loved us very much, but they didn't let us, for example, we had a date there, we were young girls, with two medics, the next day - they couldn't come, they apologized. Then I found Sasha Letenka in Moscow. I walked around Moscow with him, he showed me where Molotov and these things were rubberized in the subway, many interesting things. And he explained how they get CDs, how they make them from mica, like a pram and the like. The next day he was coming, his dad came. He brought me a candy bag and that Sasha apologizes but he cannot meet with me since he had to prepare for his graduation. He was not allowed to meet with me anymore. "

  • "It wasn't easy, it was like something you really don't know what's going on because when the Germans rode their bikes, we knew in advance that they would attack us. But this, we didn't expect it, so someone probably did, but I wasn't so knowledgable in politics. A lot of people were surprised, especially when the officer said, 'It's a stupid thing.' So I say, he wouldn't say that on television. Yeah, and he said it, and they were here this morning. That was pretty bad. And I was standing here at that intersection and I'll tell you, I was crying. I was crying, I was saying, 'Jesus Christ, they are the grandchildren of our boys that we loved.' We don't like them and we can't like them. "

  • "During the air-raids on Kolín, I was just at my grandfather's in Starý Kolín. And then my dad came for me because the phones stopped working, so my dad came for me and we met in Pardubice. My grandfather put me on a train in Starý Kolín, and my father was waiting for me in Pardubice. The train ended there and we had to cross the town after the raid into Pardubicky. During that time, we were in the air-raid shelter about twice, because there was a raid report, but there was none. And we managed to get to Pardubicky. And that surprised me. Imagine that the house was cut off and perhaps there was a roller on the table and a cut wall of the house as if you were looking at a theatre stage set. I was completely out of it because there was a bed and they had the same little angel above it as we did at home, and their wall was cut off. That was just something terrible for me. "

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Liberec, 24.07.2020

    duration: 02:37:23
  • 2

    Liberec, 22.06.2021

    duration: 01:54:16
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We were occupied by the grandchildren of those we loved

Eva Hoskovcová, amateur theatre group Na nádraží, play "Mrs. Fashion Reigns for Ages", circa 1954-55
Eva Hoskovcová, amateur theatre group Na nádraží, play "Mrs. Fashion Reigns for Ages", circa 1954-55
photo: Archiv pamětníka

Eva Hoskovcová, née Jelínková, was born on March 1, 1933 in Břehy u Přelouče into a trade family of František and Anna Jelínková. In 1938 they moved to Chroustovice. She experienced the arrival of German soldiers on bicycles in March 1939, she remembers the war bombing of Kolin and Pardubice and the euphoria in the days of liberation by the Red Army. Eva and her mother participated in June 1948 XI. All-Sokol Rally in Prague. In 1948, the Communists nationalized Jelínek’s family’s shop. Then the family moved to Vysoké Mýto. Eva entered the grammar school in Pardubice, after its completion she graduated from a two-year pedagogical lyceum. In 1952 she got a place in Liberec. Here she taught at various primary schools and studied Czech and Russian at Charles University, she did not complete her studies. In the 1950s, she married Lubor Judl, who served in the military with auxiliary technical battalions and died shortly after returning from the war due to a serious illness. She married Oldřich Hoskovec for the second time in 1960. They raised two children Markéta (* 1962) and Tomáš (* 1963) together. From 1966 she started teaching in a special school and she completed the studies of pedagogical psychology (part-time) at Charles University. In August 1968, she experienced the occupation by Warsaw Pact troops in Liberec. Before 1989, she worked as a member of the then National Committee in Liberec. She left school in 1990 and until 2003 she worked as a cashier at the Naive Theater in Liberec. To this day, she is publicly involved and is a member of the non-profit organization Liberec Civil Society.