This page contains the list of all the institutions that have stored and published witness memories in the Memory of Nations archive.
93 institutions
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Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość
Penta Investments, s.r.o.
Philosophy in the Underground
Post Bellum
Stories of 20th Century
1945 - End of the War. Comming Home, leaving Home.
Stories of the 20th Century TV
Memory of Nations Awards 2014
Memoria de la Nación Cubana / Memory of the Cuban Nation
Stories of the region - Central Moravia
Příběhy regionu - Jihočeský kraj
Memory of Ukraine
Spolupráce Jihočeského kraje s Pamětí národa
Společně mezi hranicemi totalitních režimů
Příběhy regionu - Ústecký kraj
Příběhy Malé Strany a Hradčan
Exchange of testimonies – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archive and Memory of Nations Archive, Czech Republic
Příběhy regionu - Moravskoslezský kraj
Voices of Ukraine
Memory of our Nations - Never forget our totalitarian heritage
Stories of the Czech-Austrian Borderland KPF-01-210
Shared Memories - Visegrad and South Caucasus
’89 – 30 Years After the Fall of Iron Curtain
CINEMASTORIES OF WWII - Documentary films featuring WWII survivors and members of resistance as awareness and educational tools towards unbiased society
Field reports
Post Bellum SK
Iron Curtain Stories
Stories of the 20th century
Memory of Nations Awards 2014
Meomory Of Nations: YES-NO
Paměť pohraničí
Príbehy 20. storočia - maďarská menšina 2020
Príbehy 20. storočia - česká menšina 2020
Príbehy 20. storočia - poľská menšina 2020
Príbehy 20. storočia - Tipsport 2020
Príbehy 20. storočia - rómska menšina
Inconvenient Mobility
Memory of our Nations - Never forget our totalitarian heritage
Shared Memories - Visegrad and South Caucasus
’89 – 30 Years After the Fall of Iron Curtain
CINEMASTORIES OF WWII - Documentary films featuring WWII survivors and members of resistance as awareness and educational tools towards unbiased society
History defines our future