“I went with a friend of mine from the Frýdlant street. He was one year older. We joined the Boy Scouts because we needed some free time activities and I have to say we enjoyed it very much.”
“At one of the meetings of the Civic Forum, Dušan Mlýnek proposed that we should reinstate the Boy Scouts. Then we met at the ‘Riviera’ a place here in Místek by the river and debated how to bring the organisation back to life and we also established the local commission.”
Bedřich Kalmus was born on 26th of February 1927 in Místek. His father worked in ironworks. In Autumn 1939 he became a member of 3rd Boy Scout division in Místek. In 1942 he went to school to study business administrative and then worked for 9 years in the state company Pramen. In 1945, he took part in the liberation fights over Frýdek. After the Boy Scout activities were renewed, he established and led a Rover Scout group, he was also appointed a deputy of the chief of the 3rd Boy Scout group in Místek. In 1947 he became a member of the local Boy Scout commission in Místek and later became a secretary o the 8th Silesian infantry regiment. After the second renewal of the Boy Scouts, he again became a member and a secretary of the local commission. After 1989 he took part in the renewal of the organisation activities in Frýdek and returned to the function of the secretary where he stayed till 1993. He was rewarded for his contribution to the Boy Scouts with the medal of appraisal in 1970 and a bronze Syrinx medal in 1994 and a silver one in 2001.