Alois Navrátil

* 1936

  • "Somehow around February 1945, the Germans were retreating on all fronts, weren't they. And in that small town of ours they started building trenches and barricades to stop the advance of the Red Army. And right in front of our house, four ragged, dirty men were digging foundations, they were either prisoners of war or those who had escaped from the front, and a soldier was standing over them and guarding them. Well, our father, a humanist, was looking at them, so he felt sorry for the four guys. And then we could even raise pigs, they allowed us, but we had to pay the obligatory amount of lard for the German army. And my dad, the humanist, said, 'You know what?' He called my brother, cut four slices of bread and put a slice of bacon on it. 'Take it to the boys so they can eat.' So the brother went there - and then the soldier said: 'Wer bist du?' I mean: 'What are you doing here? Was ist das? What's going on?' 'Well, I brought the boys a little treat.' And he said, 'Das nicht. Not so.' And he took the slices with the bread, dumped it on the ground and trampled it in the mud."

  • "I experienced it very intensely and it disappointed me a lot. So I studied the Russian language, so, well, but now suddenly this situation came up and I couldn't stand it. And when there was a city conference of the Communist Party, I spoke there and strongly condemned it. That's what I got. At that time, I was still in the position of deputy principal of an elementary school, so they kicked me out of the party and from my position, and I went to work as a small teacher at an elementary school again."

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Český Těšín, 03.11.2022

    duration: 39:16
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
  • 2

    Český Těšín, 24.11.2022

    duration: 36:49
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
Full recordings are available only for logged users.

They kicked me out of the party and the position

A. Navrátil
A. Navrátil
photo: archiv pamětníka

Alois Navrátil was born on March 16, 1936 in Rousínov, where he also lived through the Second World War. For example, he experienced the construction of trenches right in front of their house. He graduated from a grammar school for teachers, then got a placement in Ostrava. He served in the army in Český Krumlov, got married and decided to graduate from university. He chose music education for compulsory Russian. Political situation after the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops disappointed him greatly and he condemned the occupation at the city conference of the Communist Party. Subsequently, he was fired from the party as well as the position of deputy director of the school. He devoted himself to the teaching profession for 46 years, at the end of his career he became a school inspector.