I earned my scout nickname for stealing

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Karel Pašek was born on 21 November 1955. He grew up in Zbraslav, his father worked as a designer and his mother as an editor at the publishing house Československý spisovatel. In 1968, Karel Pašek started to join a rebuilt scout troop, earning the nickname Stopař (Hitchhiker). In the same year he witnessed the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, his parents wanted to emigrate after the occupation, but in the end decided to stay. The scout troop disappeared shortly after the occupation. Karel Pašek graduated from the gymnasium and the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University. Then he started working at the Regional Project Institute. He never joined the Communist Party, and held the position of chairman of the trade union at the institute. During the Velvet Revolution he co-organised a strike at the Institute. In Zbraslav he joined the building commission and later was co-opted to the city council. In 1990, he was instrumental in the re-establishment of the scout troop in Zbraslav and became chairman of the scout centre. After the revolution he briefly worked as a spokesman for the Office of the Chief Architect of the City of Prague. Later he moved to the corporate sphere. In 2024 he lived in Zbraslav.