Jaroslav Pergl

* 1946

  • I decided that, along with his brother in a restaurant, we grandfather acquired in restitution, open studio-cafe and wine bar. Our primary goal was to run the studio, not as a pub, but as a cultural club, which will take place mainly exhibitions. 20 years practiced "Cultural Thursdays," on which we organize exhibitions, always someone plays or sings, recites. This year, after a conflict with OSAO (ed. Copyright Protection Association). The brother, who now runs his studio, he decided to open a studio after the holidays just like a private club. I'm already retired.

  • My father had a great talent for drawing, but because at the time these artistic movements regarded as insecure livelihoods, teacher recommended that the art of drawing is likely to work as a builder, so he studied civil engineering technical school. Drawing then he spent only marginally. When I asked him as a teenager asked why he stopped drawing when he knows so well, he replied that he knew many people who can do it better than him. As a friend of the arts from his father became a collector.

  • 15. 5. 1945, she was sent to the DNC in Kladno from the local MNS resolutions calling for his immediate arrest for allegedly active cooperation with the Germans. Under this resolution were former Secretary of the MNS, a member of the Communist Party blamed the T. K. V. Babůrka that right in March 1939 for the arrest of members of the Communist Party in Buštěhrad aggressively ensure the list of their members. He was also accused of being a tour arrested in lock them podvrhnul hand grenade and it kept confidential contacts with members of the Gestapo. From this impulse was removed from active service and transferred ex officio into permanent retirement in October 1945. He and his wife moved to the village Blatná u Jesenice. The statements before the Council of SNB employees in Kladno, the charge was refuted. Conversely, they had stated that he was "... an example of exemplary Cech." Still, he was summoned before the committee cathartic for the provincial National Committee in Prague, where his case was publicly discussed. It was a summons 27 witnesses, of whom only 3 (J. D, T and A. K. P) testify to his detriment. Hearing ended that defended the arrests of Communists in 1939 and was punished by a reprimand. He was subsequently accused of having had the Gestapo to draw attention to a pair of burners - Silver from Lidice. There are also a number of witnesses testified in favor of the accused. It was still a few local Communists, and he was sent another letter 15. 2. 1946 Provincial Headquarters of SNB in Prague with a request to review the issue under Decree no. 105 of the cleansing committees. Here he was blamed for the lack of freedom that showed excessive zeal, and therefore caused the arrest of several individuals for their membership in the Communist Party and was accused of complicity in the tragedy of Lidice. But it has been demonstrated that there was a participant as well as dozens of other policemen svezených here from far and wide to perform guard duty only. Yet he was still in custody. 29. 1. 1948 should be Councilor Chamber of the Regional Criminal Court released from custody. But the layoff document was not found. In June 1948 he took over the scandal public prosecutor at the Special People's Court in Prague and V. Babůrka accused of committing crimes against the state under the so-called. Retributive law. The trial was held before the Criminal Division already Extraordinary People's Court in Prague, 24. 8. 1948 for longer completely changed socio-political situation. Sentencing ... is guilty of that in r. 1939-1945, a period of increased threat to the Republic, Buštěhrad and elsewhere as commander of the police station supported the Nazi movement ... Furthermore, he was acquitted of other charges, including guiding the Gestapo to track the Silver and burners from Lidice, on the contrary is proved that the investigation stumped. Still, he was sentenced to imprisonment for seven years, intensifying one hard bed on a quarterly basis, to cover the costs of the proceedings and imprisonment. Furthermore, lost for 10 years, civic honor and 5 years had to be served in a special working sections. Half his fortune failed state.

  • Full recordings
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    v bytě Jaroslava Pergla, 16.08.2016

    duration: 40:41
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And this is how the then regime to reward people who faithfully served his country for over 30 years.

Jaroslav Pergl
Jaroslav Pergl
photo: Z majetku pamětníka

Jaroslav Pergl * 7th 9th 1946 in Kladno Krocehlavy,Also there vychoddil SPŠHutnickou Elementary School and graduated in Kladno. After graduation, he continued his studies at the University of Ostrava. Then after three years interrupted, she got married and moved to Bustehrad. He got into SONP Kladno as a laborer treatment of fine lines, rolling mills smelter can. He subsequently moved, as a technician quality control department of mechanical operations, to the tool-cop. When the work is devoted to his hobby - photography and as head of the district Kladno Fotoklub upgrade their qualifications in photography completing courses organized by the Music Conservatory středoč. County Institute for cultural and educational activities in Prague, House of techniques CS VTS in Ostrava and Prague between the years 1972 - 1991. After about a decade of work on exit check he was offered the leadership poldovského photo studio at MRU SONP.When the family returned after the revolution restaurants in Krocehlavy, rebuilt and began her brother and operate as a cafe - a wine bar Atelier. Outside the restaurant operations here we pay a lot of cultural activities. They organized exhibitions, concerts, poetry evenings and under.After retiring yet he graduated from the University of the Third Age in Kladno.In his place of residence he was offered a job by chroniclers who performs today and widely used in the photo. Still working on the editorial board Bustehrad newsletter and a longtime member of the cultural committee in the city council.