A little girl spoke in German on the tram after the war. She was carried out like a package
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Christa Petrásková, née Tippeltová was born on 26 June 1941. She grew up in Jablonec nad Nisou in a German family. Her father helped the wounded on the hospital train in the German army during the war. He was also wounded and taken captive by the American and the Russian Armies. He spent two years in prison in Pardubice after the end of the war. Christa was forced to study the Czech language and that is why she was bullied at the kindergarten. She experienced the expulsion of Sudeten Germans, the majority of her family had to leave. Her mother wanted to commit suicide together with her. She can still remember the wrongs the Czechs committed against the Germans. Witness´s parents were communists and that is why they could stay in Czechoslovakia at the end of the war. While working, Christa graduated from a company technical school and a secondary school of economics. She also graduated from Ethnography at Charles University. She never joined the Czechoslovak Communist Party. She devoted her whole life to working for Jablonec glass and jewellery company. She lived in Mšeno nad Nisou in her parents’ house in Summer 2021. We could record the story thanks to the support of the Liberec Region.