“The immensely long arm of the Castro’s regime reaches even the Cubans who live far from Cuba”

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Grace Piney was born in 1973 in Cuba into a Spanish family. She recalls that already at the age of five, she had a clear idea that Cuba lacked democracy, which marked her whole vital path. Consequently, at 9 years of age, she refused “to be like Che [Guevara]” in a pioneering greeting, which caused many problems in her primary school, and accompanied her practically until her departure to the emigration in Spain. In the exile, she first worked as organizer of the International Congress on Creation and Exile with Cuba in the Distance, which took place between the years 2000 and 2008, but due to constant threats by the Castro’s regime in Cuba, she left this job to become a project manager within the Hispanic-Cuban Foundation. In 2011, she moved to Miami, United States, where she works as editor of Cuban news in the newspaper New Herald, and so she keeps up to date with the reality of her native island.