Schloß Trebnitz Germany Poles, Germans and Ukrainians and their memories on forced migration The project has these witnesses: Maria Chęcińska, Willi Gerlach, Marya Ivanivna Lutsenko Марія Іванівна Луценко, Helga Marsch, Ruth Nowak (geb. Pade), Röschen Schmidt, Aniela Stojanowska, Ljuba Václavová, Ольга Олексіївна Кривенька, Надія Пишнограй Nadiia Pyshnohrai and 1 more witnesses
Statutární město Zlín Czechia Stories of the region - Central Moravia The project has these witnesses: M.D.Ph.D. MD. Ph.D. Ervín Adam , Ing. Jaroslav Adamík, Vladimír Adamíra, Olga Adámková , Jaroslava Ambrožová, Blanka Andělová, Anna Antlová, Zdenka Aulická, roz. Klátilová, Josef Bábek, Milan Báchorek and 596 more witnesses
The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution Hungary Romani Memory:Recollections of Roma from the Central Europeen Perspective The project has these witnesses: Mária Baranyi, Judit Berki, Eugen Brindziak, PhDr., PhD. Stanislav Cína, Mgr. Daniela Cincibusová, Zdeněk Daniel, Ferenc Dr. Horváth, Ing. Igor Dužda, Irena Eliášová, PhDr. Maximilián Eštočák and 36 more witnesses Oral History Archive - Budapest The project has these witnesses: Konstanty Bałtrusiewicz, Endre Bojtár, György Dalos, Ágnes Erdélyi, Tamás Fodor, Miklós Fogarassy, Zsuzsa Gáspár, Gábor Havas, Róza Hodosán, István Jávor and 23 more witnesses Iron Curtain Stories The project has these witnesses: Viorel Mihail Anghel, Blažena Baborová, Aurel Baghiu, Elena Bobocel (n. Butoi), Siegfried Buchholz, Sibylle Buhn, Josef Cejpek, Alois Čoček, Josef Čoček, Gheorghe Cotorbai and 85 more witnesses Memory of Nations Awards 2014 The project has these witnesses: