They didn’t let us come back to Poland

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He was born on 1 April 1924 in Rudobiści (Braclawski province, Vilnius region) as a son of Jan and Kazimiera Ławrynow. He was the only child of his parents. He attended Polish school in Jody and he completed the last seventh year in 1938. Then he attended to gymnasium in Brasław. He was an excellent student so he never had to pay for the education as the commune paid for him. He didn’t finish gymnasium because the war started. He used to help his father on the twelve hectares’ farm in his childhood. He played organ in the church in Judy. When the Germans and Soviets war broke out on 1 September 1944 he enlisted to the regiment on Lithuania to join the Polish Army. Luckily he avoided transportation to Siberia. Together with a group of Polish soldiers he travelled through Ukraine where he came across a Polish regiment. He finally reached Lublin with the Kościuszko Army. On 13 September Konstanty Baltrusiewicz with his regiment of artillery reached Majdanek (German Nazi concentration camp). They stayed for a few days near the camp and then set off to Warsaw, going through Rembertów. He was relegated to the communication regiment and he fought on the Stare Brudno front line in 1944 in Warsaw. He worked in the broadcasting station for a while. After Warsaw was captured his regiment reached Stabnice near Zatoką Szczecińską. The Konstanty Baltrusiewicz’s regiment set off to Berlin after a month and near the Łaba river, they joined the American army. When the war was over Konstanty Baltrusiewicz came back to Poland, to Łuków in the South of Warsaw. He completed the drivers school course and moved to Siedlce. He worked as a driver and a bodyguard of some colonel. After demobilisation (1 March 1947) and dismissal from the army in 1954 he went to old Kresy to take his family and come back to Poland. He was stopped in Belorussia and was taken to work in a gulag prison Afterwards, he went to Dynenburg and worked on the railway. He joined The Union of the Poles “Promien” and The Veterans Association. He still lives in Dynenburg.