Jaroslava Semeráková

* 1941

  • „I remember as a very little girl that it was not pleasant. Next door, as I remember, there was a lady, she was German, and we used to go to her, and apparently the lady, because she was already old, wanted to talk. And I remember how me, the only one, because it was so long ago, when she said goodbye to me, how much she cried. Actually, it probably wasn't about those relationships, but at the time I didn't even understand why the lady was really crying.“

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    Mladá Boleslav, 03.01.2022

    duration: 22:08
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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Following the currency reform, the farmers lit their cigarettes with banknotes.

Jaroslava Semeráková (en)
Jaroslava Semeráková (en)
photo: Archiv pamětníka

Jaroslava Semeráková was born on April 8, 1941 in Opočné. After the war, the family moved to Broumovska, where the Semeráks experienced the deportation of the Germans. Mom suffered from a serious illness and could not work. So the family lived on only one salary and had no money to spare. When the currency reform took place in 1953, the witness observed ditches full of discarded money and peasants lighting cigarettes with banknotes. In 1968, her husband worked with children in the Boy Scouts. In 2022 Jaroslava Semeráková lived in Mladá Boleslav.