I became a convinced anti-communist
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Jiří Šíma was born on 27 December 1922 in Kaletice near Strakonice in the former Czechoslovakia. The family had a farm and his father managed the agricultural property. In 1956, Jiří Šíma and his father were arrested for speculative distribution of property. The communists believed that the father and son had divided the farming on purpose to avoid higher taxes. The property was confiscated and Jiří Šíma was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in Strakonice. He served his sentence in Pankrác and Rovnost, while his father was imprisoned in Valdice and Leopoldov. Jiří Šíma worked at Rovnost as a mine carpenter, bricklayer and concrete worker. After his release on 2 March 1961, he started working at the State Forests and gradually moved to the woodworking shop and warehouse work. After his release, he also managed to graduate and earn a degree as an engineer. In 2008 he lived with his wife in Lipka near Vimperk.