I wasn’t living, I was surviving

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Helga Smékalová, née Deutschová, was born on 28 October 1930 in Olomouc as the only child of a mixed marriage. Her mother was Czech and her father was of Jewish descent. The family lived with Helga’s grandmother Helena Deutschová in a house in Olomouc on what is now 1. máje (May Day) Street. During World War II in the summer of 1942, while being transported to Minsk, her grandmother was murdered near the city of Baranovichi. Her father died in hospital in April 1945. From September 1940 the witness was banned from attending school because of her mixed descent, and she thus spent the following years hiding at home. She only rarely left the house, and her only pastime was the reading of books. In February 1945 she was placed on a transport to Terezín. She came home after the end of the war. In September 1948 she married Jaroslav Smékal. Their only daughter Radka emigrated to Australia after the Warsaw Pact invasion of 1968. Helga Smékalová still lives in Olomouc.