Jaroslav Teichman

* 1935

  • "All I saw were his [father´s] ears sticking out like that. There were testimonies. I learned later that they had been recorded, memorized by heart. My father didn´t accept the play, and the chairman of the senate said to him, 'But you signed it.' My father said to him, 'Mr. Chairman, when I signed it, I was so tired I didn't know what I was signing.' So my father was obstinate and did not play his part. The most serious crime was [punished by] eighteen years and the second most serious crime was [committed] by my father who got seventeen years. And the other ones were given about 10 and 8 years."

  • "The evicting order came quickly, in a short time. As my mother told me later, my parents were at first laughing and waving the paper around. 'Look, we've been evicted too.' They were not the first family in Olomouc. Then they got drunk, then maybe my mother cried and got sad, then they got a grip and set to move. I was in Karlov at the time, so I didn't know anything. Otherwise I would have come and helped my parents with it, of course. The problem was that my parents were given an order for a house to live in Šumperk, in Temenice, number around 229 [in fact 347], up there somewhere. One day my father and I were driving past it, and he said to me, 'Look, this is where we were supposed to live.' It was up in that valley. My parents did everything they could not to move there, to stay closer to Olomouc. Their friends helped them find an apartment in Šternberk, a tiny apartment with no toilet, no electricity, no water, [just] a well, a dry toilet over a manure pit."

  • "Then one day I got the opportunity to visit my father. So I went there to see him. I remember the cheerless room where we had the conversation. For one thing, there were flickering fifteen Watt light bulbs, and for another, there were walls of hard-to-see-through mesh. We couldn't even shake hands or hug or give each other kisses on the cheek. 'Dad, you're great,' and some words of encouragement. The guard was there, staring at us. So we talked about meaningless things, things I might have already written him in a letter. So the visit was soon over and I went home. And shortly afterwards my father was transferred to Valdice."

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Černá Voda, 30.08.2022

    duration: 02:08:40
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
  • 2

    Černá Voda, 15.09.2022

    duration: 01:06:01
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
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Jaroslav Teichman in 2022
Jaroslav Teichman in 2022
photo: Vít Lucuk

Jaroslav Teichman was born on 27 August 1935 in Olomouc as the younger of two children to his parents Božena and Jaroslav. The family owned a gunsmith´s shop in Olomouc. During World War II, his father supported a partisan group in Bystřice pod Hostýnem by repairing and supplying weapons. After the communist regime took over, the gunsmith´s shop was nationalized in 1950 and two years later the family was evicted from Olomouc to Šternberk. In December 1953, the father was arrested and subsequently sentenced in a staged trial called „Brňovják and associates“ for treason and espionage to seventeen years in prison and confiscation of all property. He then went through the prisons in Mírov and Valdice. In May 1960 he was released from prison during an extensive amnesty. Other members of the family were also persecuted. Witness´s mother had to leave her job and Jaroslav was expelled from his studies at the forestry school in Vimperk and later from the evening studies at the grammar school in Šternberk. Eventually, however, he managed to graduate from the Forestry Master School in Strážnice and from 1964 to 1969 he studied at the Secondary Forestry School in Hranice. All his life he worked in various positions in the forest. He worked his career up from a worker to a forest district manager. Both his parents lived to see the fall of communism. His father was rehabilitated and in restitution there was also a compensation for the confiscated equipment of the family business. At the time of the filming in 2022, Jaroslav Teichman was living with his second wife Bohumila in Černá Voda near Jeseník