The following text is not a historical study. It is a retelling of the witness’s life story based on the memories recorded in the interview. The story was processed by external collaborators of the Memory of Nations. In some cases, the short biography draws on documents made available by the Security Forces Archives, State District Archives, National Archives, or other institutions. These are used merely to complement the witness’s testimony. The referenced pages of such files are saved in the Documents section.

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Ing. Miroslav Tyl (* 1943)

We thought the regime would fall soon, no one expected that it would last for forty years

  • +he was born to a well-off middle class family, his father was an economist and a lawyer who participated in the resistance and supported the government in exile +he finished his studies in agriculture in Liblice near Pregue, becoming a cultivator and a breeder +he had been working as an agronomist at a farm in Radvanice for two years +during the second year of his compulsory military service, he had been listening to the foreign radio broadcast, he was charged with subverting the morals of the troops and given a mandatory sentence +he graduated from the University of Life Sciences, later, he also graduated in sociology from the Faculty of Arts in Prague +he participated on the Prague Spring of 1968 student movement +after 1968, he was working as a researcher +he was one of the first to sign the Charter 77 petition +after 1989, he was a member of parliament and also an advisor to two Prime Ministers
