When the laundry went out of business, we had a company funeral
Marta Uhlíková, née Šikýřová, was born on 5 December 1949 in Mšec. In the fifties, she and her parents moved to Jáchymov-Suchá on her father’s placement, where she witnessed post-war events during her childhood and adolescence. This included both the forced removal of the German population and cohabitation with those Germans who stayed and left gradually, especially in 1968. Father Otto Šikýř worked in Suchá as a gamekeeper. While growing up, he and his family moved to Fibichova Street in Jáchymov. She worked briefly in an Abertam glove factory, but then found employment in a Jáchymov laundry, where she remained for thirty-two years. She experienced the arrival of the occupying Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968 and subsequent cohabitation with Soviet soldiers. In Jáchymov she witnessed the revolutionary events of 1989 and lived there at the time of filming (2023).