Witnesses search result: charta 77

… bezdíček, who later signed charta 77, handed jan beránek jr. his …

… of philosophy and co-founder of charta 77. in 1983, she married him and …

… 1960; 1972 parents divorce; 1977 meeting charta 77 and the chartists, beginning of …

Mgr. Hana Jüptnerová

* 1952  †︎ 2019

… personal situation, she signed charta in 1979. as a single … jilemnice; september 1979 signed charta 77, kept contacts with prague …

… petra pospíchala, aktivisty charty 77 a polsko-československé … pospíchala, aktivisty charty 77 a polsko-československé …

… and hilda matuszek. charter 77 became a crucial event that … and wrote the inscriptions vivat charta 77 and in god we trust on the door …

… and a stock-taker. in 1977 he signed the charta 77 [charter 77]. during the …

… obranu dělníků kor a v prosinci 1977 stál u zrodu studentského … petra pospíchala, signatáře charty 77 a aktivisty …

… spring of the same year he signed charta 77’s petition několik vět (‘a few …

… do jejího života signatář charty 77 stanislav pitaš. šířili …