Ondrej Póda

* 1931

  • "Russian officers were coming to control. And there was this soil thrown out, on these rubber carts, we threw it on these. And when we knew that the Russian officers were coming, we tossed [the soil] in a way that they couldn’t enter, otherwise they would have had to come through it. And it was all wet, muddy soil. They didn’t come there to see the hole, they didn’t come. We were just waiting for them to come. They got angry and turned back immediately."

  • "Two sub-lieutenants were going there in Dunajská Streda, we used to be friends because one of them was a barber, the other a car mechanic. And they went there to train with those in service, with guns. They were good cadres and they received the rank of sub-lieutenant. And in case they wanted to serve as a soldier any longer, they could have, but then they would have had to do exams. And I saw that he was writing in front of me on the little table; what I want, so I said that I was working in health care and I would like to go to health care. And he wrote on the first page, “the son of a veterinarian”. And with that I was done with."

  • "In 1951, I became free [finished training] and I told him that now I wanted to get money. Like this. Because he gave me a certificate. And I told him that this is not enough, I need money. But he wanted to give me very little, very little, ridiculously little. I didn't tell him anything, I took the certificate and I immediately went to this Moravian dentist, whose wife was Hungarian. And I told him that I was free and I told him that he had wanted to give me 1800 Crowns as salary for a month. And this Moravian told me that I should go to him and he would give me 1000 Crowns a week."

  • Full recordings
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    Dunajská Streda, 10.05.2019

    duration: 02:49:19
    media recorded in project Príbehy 20. storočia
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Napísal “syn veterinára” a skončil som

Ondrej Póda, 10 May 2019
Ondrej Póda, 10 May 2019
photo: taken during interview

Ondrej Póda sa narodil v roku 1931 v Dunajskej Strede do pomerne bohatej rodiny maďarskej národnosti. Štúdium na ľudovej škole a meštianke absolvoval v rodnom meste. Počas druhej svetovej vojny bol jeho rodný dom využívaný na potreby armády. Krátko po vojne jeho otec zomrel a Ondrejova mama musela začať pracovať. Ondreja po nástupe komunistického režimu neprijali na vysokú školu, a tak sa išiel vyučiť za zubného technika. Neskôr mu prišiel povolávací rozkaz a ako syn veterinára musel narukovať do Pomocných technických práporov (PTP), pričom slúžil na trinástich rôznych miestach najmä v Čechách. Po 27 mesiacoch sa vrátil domov, avšak prácu si v rodnom meste kvôli svojej minulosti nenašiel a musel odísť pracovať do obce Veľký Meder. V roku 1956 si dokončil kurz zubného technika a od roku 1960 začal pracovať v dunajskostredskej nemocnici. O rok neskôr sa oženil. V roku 2005 dostal od štátu za službu v Pomocných technických práporoch odškodnenie.